Hello everyone!
Yesterday was Father's Day here in the United States.
We celebrated at my parent's house with a barbeque.
We ate lots of food, the kids played in water and we opened presents.
Growing up, I always heard how I would turn out like my parents.
I assumed that I would turn out like my mom but, now I have come to the conclusion that I am more like my dad.
The realization was clear as I found myself laying with one hand behind my head the other holding an ice cold glass of water with my feet crossed at the end of the bed.
This is the position you could find my dad in almost every night while he watched TV.
A few other things I got from him.
My cleaning techniques, my road rage, my comfort in silence, my sausage fingers.
I am grateful to be like my father.
He is such a hardworking man, who was able to keep us afloat my entire childhood.
He is always willing to help others.
He has a lot of wisdom about life that he loves to pass on.
While reflecting this Father's Day I had quite a few memories of my Dad come to mind and I wanted to share them here.
When he took me to see Peter Pan Return to Neverland in theatres.
Jumping on the tramp.
Going to get ice cream at midnight on my sixteenth birthday.
Hanging Christmas lights.
His whiteboard presentations.
When he tried to get a bird out of the house.
Making his lunch every day during the summer.
Painting his toenails bright red while he was asleep.
Driving lessons with him in church parking lots.
Pushing him into the pool fully clothed.
His love for Halloween.
Our duets to Seal.
When he took me to see 13 going on 30 in theaters.
His Donald Duck impression.
Test driving Mustang convertibles together.
Our joint birthday parties.
Making him wear a pink Barbie backpack while Four Wheeling.
Working with him at his business.
How he always painted around the holidays.
Buying a large dancing Frankenstein that we knew Mom would not approve of.
Taking off his work boots at the end of the day.
His amazing drum skills.
Listening to him binge 24 for weeks.
Listening to him binge 24 for weeks.
Singing to me while he played the guitar.
Getting his seal of approval on our house.
Teaching me all of the words to Cats in the Cradle.
Going with him to pick up my Dalmation Birthday Cake.
Waiting for Tam outside of church every Sunday.
His French Toast.
I am grateful for my Dad and all he has done for my family.
I am grateful for all of the memories I have with him and that I have the opportunity to make many more.
What is your favorite memory with your dad or father figure?

All my love,
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